Invasion of the ultra-rich’s over 1,000 billion VND mansion: The room is breathtakingly beautiful, the furnishings is pricey, and the pool table alone is worth $1 billion.

The audience had the chance to view the opulent residence of the super-rich in the US during the most recent nhaTO channel program. The villa offers a view of the sea and mountains and is more than 1000m2 in size. It costs 40 million USD (more than 938 billion VND).

In addition to the extremely large campus, the villa has all the amenities needed to guarantee that residents do not have to travel far to receive the same level of luxury resort service. It has a gym, a BBQ area, a place to eat outside, a big home bar, a place to read, 5 pools, and a 3D golf room.

Unfortunately for those hoping to purchase this lovely property, someone had paid a deposit as soon as they were made available for purchase. In fact, this is the perfect residence for any elite.

The home is around 1000m2 and is being sold for almost 1 trillion VND.

This is a villa where you can take a virtual picture of the “smell of money” wherever you stand

The villa’s fundamental design is neoclassical, and each room has been customized to provide a particular mood. Every room is uniquely furnished. The inside of this property, like many others, is entirely controlled by smart buttons for the convenience of its residents.

You can immediately notice the class as soon as you enter the first level of the building as you travel through a number of areas such as the garage, the living room, the kitchen, the play area, and the dining room. The leisure lounge with an integrated bar, a reading couch, a 3D golf area, and facilities for billiards and table tennis must be the highlight of the first floor. The value of the pool table alone might reach $45,000 USD or more than 1 billion VND.

The first floor is divided into many small spaces, with each corner serving different entertainment needs such as a dining room, kitchen, gym, 3D golf area…

The integrated pool table as a ping pong table is worth more than 1 billion dong

The highlight of the first floor is a relaxation room with a bar and sofa area for reading.

The second floor of the home is divided into many guest bedrooms, one office, and one master bedroom.

Due to its large size, pricey interior decorating, and thorough investment compared to other rooms, the master bedroom is lavishly furnished. When there are sufficient facilities like a fireplace, a dressing room, and notably a private swimming pool, the master bedroom space has demonstrated the elegance of the house that costs more than 900 million VND.

The master bedroom, on the other hand, stands out for having a true million-dollar view that faces the sea and allows guests to see the whole sky from sunrise to sunset.

The master bedroom is meticulously designed to every detail, including many areas such as dressing room, bed, swimming pool with direct sea view…

Another bedroom for guests visiting the villa

The “billion-dollar” garden of the structure may also be seen when leaving the mansion.This residence is a popular among older citizens all over the world due to its opulent style and excellent location.

The billion-dollar view of the sunrise and sunset

The outside space is filled with greenery can be used to turn into an entertainment place at any time