PHOTO GALLERY: The best things about Jutta Leerdam, Jake Paul’s girlfriend and her dream love over the years

Jutta Leerdam, a Dutch speed skater, is one of the most recognizable characters whose notoriety has been growing both on and off the rink in recent years. The 24-year-old woman has been successful in her professional career to the point that she has won multiple championships and in 2017 she became the junior world champion in Helsinki. The subsequent year, in 2019, Leerdam finished in second place at the championship that was held in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Jutta LeerdamJutta Leerdam speed skating championships ( Credits : ELLE , MSN)

Apart from winning several different speed skating championships across the world, Leerdam and team also managed to bag the silver at Beijing Winter Olympics 2022. Through her career, Leerdam has achieved celebrity status in the Netherlands. However, she has also amassed a huge number of followers worldwide which keeps on growing.

Jutta Leerdam over the yearsJutta Leerdam over the years ( Credits : The US Sun, Twitter)

Leerdam is currently dating YouTube boxer Jake Paul and happens to be in a happy relationship with the Problem Child. Before Jake, Jutta dated fellow Dutch speed skater Koen Verweij. The couple had been together for a long time and also competed in several competitions together.

Jutta Leerdam with Koen Verweij

In collaboration with Jutta Leerdam and Koen Verweij (Photos courtesy of Twitter and The Sun)
The former couple said that they had drifted away over the course of the years, which ultimately led to the breakup of their partnership in 2021. Regardless of this, the 24-year-old speed skater has established herself as a very skilled athlete, having won many world championships in her career. Having said that, let’s examine a few of her photographs that were taken throughout the years.
How did Jutta Leerdam first come into contact with Jake Paul?
After breaking up with her ex-boyfriend and moving on with her life, Jutta Leerdam became friends with Jake Paul, also known as the Problem child. It’s possible that Jake Paul took the initiative to start the relationship very recently, at the beginning of this year. It all started in January, when Paul liked a couple of Jutta’s Instagram images, which opened the door for the two of them to start talking to each other on the social media platform.

Jutta Leerdam with Jake Paul

Jake Paul and Jutta Leerdam in the studio. (Photographs courtesy of NY Post and Variety)
The two people finally got to meet one another in person in Miami after getting to know one another online and discovering that they shared common interests. This meeting helped to strengthen their bond even more and went a long way toward laying the groundwork for their future relationship. After that, the couple decided to go public with their relationship in April, and they haven’t stopped posting images of each other since then.
The Problem Child has decided to propose marriage to his girlfriend after the two of them have been seeing each other for a few months. On the other hand, he is of the opinion that it is not the appropriate time due to Leerdam’s professional career in speed skating.
Because Jutta is a professional athlete, she is unable to have children until she has completed all of her competitions. This makes the situation unique. Which is challenging for me because I get the impression that I am nearing the point at which I will be ready,” Jake remarked on his podcast.
Having said that, Paul is of the opinion that he and Leerdam will get engaged within the next few years. However, waiting to start a family until after the Winter Olympics in 2026, when both members of the pair will be in their athletic peak, is not an option at this time.