The mere fact that she exists is evidence of the immense beauty that lies dormant inside the human spirit. As if she were a delicate butterfly with wings that could resist the fiercest storms, one discovers in her a harmonic blend of grace and resilience, as if she were a person who could withstand the most intense storms.
Those who look into her eyes are struck by the depth of her awareness of the world, which has the ability to move them emotionally. Her eyes are like pools of liquid empathy. Her grin, which is a ray of sunshine, sheds light on the murkiest of alleys and provides a compass to those whose bearings are uncertain.
Her voice, a soothing lullaby, has the power to quell the harshest dissonance and transform it into the sweetest of melodies.
Her angelic beauty reminds us that there is a radiant goodness in the world, a beauty that is not only skin deep but is woven into the very fabric of her being, a beauty that can inspire and uplift all fortunate enough to know her.